Public Safety Blog

2019 Bonus Dividend Announced

Written by Mary Shea | Dec 13, 2019 4:53:06 PM

We are excited to announce that we will once again be paying back our members with a bonus dividend!

Because of the success we had this year, our board approved a $200,000 bonus dividend to be put into members accounts. Members' dividends will deposit automatically, and the amount is based on how much each member has in loans and deposits with the Credit Union.

This marks the fourth consecutive year our Credit Union has been able to pay back a bonus dividend. In that time we have given back over $1 million, a huge feat for a Credit Union of our size. This would not be possible without the loyalty of our great members.

2019 was a big year of change for us; we converted our core system, updated our online and mobile banking software, and took steps to better serve our members through our communication efforts and branch offerings. We appeciate all the support from our members that made these advancements possible, and look forward to continuing to serve you through 2020 and well beyond.