Public Safety Blog

Now accepting applications for the 2020 Ma Brown Scholarship

Written by Heather Horn | Jan 10, 2020 2:08:48 PM

2020 kicks off the 17th Annual Marie “Ma” Brown Scholarship Program sponsored by the
Greater KC Public Safety Credit Union. A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to a
qualified member.



  • High School senior graduating in Spring 2020
  • Full-time attendance at an accredited college or university in Fall 2020
  • Applicant must be a be a credit union member in good standing for a minimum of twelve months.
  • GPA of 2.5 or greater


What You Need To Do

  • Write an original essay of 1,000 words or less on the topic provided below
  • Provide an official transcript from your high school
  • include an activites/extra curricular/community service resume with your application. Please list any activities you have participated in during your high school years including, but not limited to: clubs, sports, social, school based, religious or community organizations, volunteer work, etc.
  • Complete the scholarship application form.
  • Use the online form or print the application and return all of the above to:Greater KC Public Safety CU, 2800 E. 14TH Street, Kansas City, MO 64127,
    Attn: Heather or email to
  • DUE by Friday, February 28, 2020.


Essay Topic

What makes your credit union different than a for-profit financial institution and how does your credit union demonstrate credit unions' "people helping people" philosophy?


Essay Guidelines

  • Essay will be judged on proper use of grammar, spelling, ideas and content.
  • Essay must be typed and double‐spaced using an 11 point font.
  • Please include your full name in the bottom right-hand corner of the essay response.
  • A minimum of two judges will evaluate all essays. Organization, grammar, punctuation and creativity
    will be considered.
  • The applicant’s identity will be concealed until the selection process is complete.

Applicant must have had their own Greater KC Public Safety Credit Union membership for at least 12 months. Your application and essay MUST BE RECEIVED no later than Friday, February 28, 2020. For more information or questions, contact Heather Horn at (816) 504-2836 or email Carefully read and follow all directions.

All applicants will receive consideration for a scholarship without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or ancestry, religion, age, handicap, financial need or marital status.

The Scholarship Program is yet another way your Credit Union helps members and their families achieve financial and academic success. We hope you will participate and take advantage of this opportunity. Good luck and best wishes as you build your future.

Incomplete submissions will be disqualified.

Use this form or download the application to apply!

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